Аба Рафи

26 января не стало замечательного человека. И, как это обычно бывает, когда уходят праведники, место, которое они занимали в нашем мире, долго ещё остаётся пустым, осиротевшим.

Сегодня воспитанники Московского детского пансиона (многие из них не имеют родителей) вспоминают Рафаэля Хахиашвили, не просто директора, но и самого верного и близкого друга, ставшего для большинства детей вторым отцом.

Our Home

Наш дом

We are building a home for orphaned children.

Already for the fourth year the Jewish orphans from all over the country who entered our Boarding-school huddle together in a small two-level apartment in the very center of the city without even its own courtyard. They are forced to live, study and rest in very small rooms, six-eight children in each. Such conditions don't satisfy the elementary requirements of keeping in a children institution. Now, our children finally have hope.

What are we doing for jewish orphans?

The Passin-Waxman Center is a completely unique institution, unlike any other in Russia. Jewish children, who have been deprived of parental warmth and care, receive here that which no single similar children's institution can provide. The associations that come to mind when we hear the words "orphanage" have no relation to our home. Therefore, we are against calling it an "orphanage". Besides warm and parental, in the true sense of the word, treatment, children here go through complete medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation. The majority of children who have been warmed under the roof of this large Jewish family had not long before been forced to sleep in the streets and beg so as not to die of hunger.

How can you help

We will be happy for any help. Since expenses to maintain the Center are great and include many different items, you have the opportunity to choose the most acceptable option for yourself. In any case, you will receive detailed information on how your money was spent, and you will always be able to see with your own eyes the results of your help. Your good deed will not remain unnoticed. In the new building, we plan to place a plaque with the names of the people who donated funds for such a noble goal as helping orphaned Jewish children. We want the children themselves, and the Center's guests, to know the names of those thanks to whom Jewish orphans received a new, spacious home equipped with everything they need.